The October/November issue of MCV/DEVELOP is online now! Inside: the 30 Under 30, Remnant II, Dave the Diver, Doctor Who and more!

The latest issue of MCV/DEVELOP should be getting to our subscribers this week, and has now taken its place in our online archives, where you can read it in its entirety for free!

There’s plenty to enjoy in the highly anticipated issue #993, including the reveal of the MCV/DEVELOP 30 Under 30 2023 cohort, who are also soon to be celebrated at our IRL 2023 festive party on November 29th.

Our trusty editor Richie Shoemaker has gone more international than perhaps ever before with his interviews for this issue, which features chats with Ian Rice from PEGI, game director Jaeho Hwang on Dave the Diver, and Cezary Skorupka on Toy Trains VR. He also went to Iceland for the Eve FanFest this year, and took some time out afterwards to speculate about the future of CCP’s space MMORPG Eve Online, which as many will know, is a topic close to his heart.

Elsewhere, the ever-eager writer Vince Pavey has curated the usual pages that put the spotlight on people from around the games industry, as well as the our regular section on hires and moves. 

He also popped over to Paris to interview Yannick Allaert from Nacon about their new controller the Revolution 5 Pro, used the internet to speak to David Adams from Gunfire Games about Remnant II for When We Made, and has gathered up a selection of a certain renegade time lord’s friends and collaborators back home to talk about Doctor Who in video games just in time for the television show’s 60th anniversary at the end of the month. What a jam-packed issue!

Want to get the issue delivered directly to you next month so that you can enjoy MCV/DEVELOP without ever having to read one of these ‘the issue has released today’ posts ever again? Then you should subscribe!

About Vince Pavey

Vince is a writer from the North-East of England who has worked on comics for The Beano and Doctor Who. He likes to play video games and eat good food. Sometimes he does both at the same time, but he probably shouldn’t.

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