The majority of SCEE's recently announced job cuts are taking place at its UK studios, say reports.

Sony studios bear brunt of job cuts

Details emerged last week that Sony would be cutting jobs to streamline its operation, with workers across its European divisions told last week whether their jobs were one of the 160 deemed ‘in danger’.

Last week, tech site Beyond3D outlined its own research into the cuts, saying that the majority have taken place at the UK-based Sony-owned studios in London, Cambridge and Liverpool. Today, various sites have repeated the news.

According to these reports, 50 staff are to be lost from Liverpool Studio, 20 from Cambridge Studio and 50 from London Studio. 30 of the Sony Territories staff (dedicated to distribution and publishing) are to go as well.

When Develop spoke to Sony about these reports last week, however, the company pointed out that there is still a month-long ‘consultantion period’ to take place before the redundancies (reported to include a basic redundancy package) were official.

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