AI middleware company Kynogon has joined Epic's Integrated Partners Program for Unreal Engine 3.

Epic’s IPP widens with Kynogon

Its AI middleware solution Kynapse will now be fully integrated with game development engine Unreal Engine 3 and is available for licensing directly from Kynogon. Specifically, Kynogon has developed a transparent integration into Unreal so that the software can be accessed direct from UnrealEd and call behaviours through Unreal script latent functions.

Epic’s Integrated Partners Program has been established as a way to formalise the relationships between the development tool company and others that make complimentary tech and software. Unreal licencees then get further technical support and information, as well as a more integreated platform for games development, from all involved.

“We have customers who are using both Kynapse and Unreal concurrently. This is an important step in our effort to support them,” remarked Pierre Pontevia, CEO of Kynogon. “Kynogon’s participation in the Integrated Partners Program will significantly enhance our customers’ experience: it will help them make the most of both packages.”

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