Sony's ambitious plans to drive network-based content will be pitched to the games industry in two keynote speeches at the London Games Developer Conference and the London Games Summit.

Sony talks online future at London events

Sony Worldwide Studio VPs Jamie Macdonald (also head of London Studio and Sony Cambridge, and interviewed in the latest issue of Develop, available here) and Michael Denny will discuss what digital distribution means for developers and the rest of the games industry during the two London Games Festival conferences.

Macdonald will talk about the move from a "package-centric world to a network-centric future" at a keynote during the London Games Festival, which takes place October 2nd to 4th.

Meanwhile Denny will open the London Games Summit, with takes place October 4th to 5th, with a further look at the area of digital distribution, promising to look areas such as consumer choice and demands, content and community creation, and economic elements.

They are just two of the big names scored for the industry events. GDC London will also have a keynote from LucasArts’ Chris Williams, while EA UK’s Harry Potter team will discuss its transition from film to game. At the London Games Summit, other speakers include Lord Sainsbury and David Gosen.

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