Contest aims to help grow region’s indie scene, devs will retain full rights and revenues from their games

Ubisoft offering Canadian indies $50,000 funding and uPlay publishing deal

Ubisoft has launched a new competition that could see independent developers based in Canada’s biggest cities winning distribution, funding and marketing support from the Assassin’s Creed publisher.

The Ubisoft Indie Series is open to any devs around Montreal, Quebec and Toronto, and kicks off with a Toronto event tomorrow (Wednesday, September 28th), GamaSutra reports. The event will then move to Montreal on October 6th, and Quebec City on October 13th.

Details will be made clear at each event, with additional info already on Ubisoft Toronto and Montreal’s websites. Indies have until November 18th to submit the game they hope to bring to market.

Out of all the submissions, 10 will be shortlisted for each city and invited to pitch their game in front of a jury, comprised of staff from Ubisoft and the National Bank of Canada. One winner will be picked from each group and given $50,000 in funding, distribution of their game via uPlay, as well as marketing support and mentorship.

Ubisoft stresses that participants will “not have to cede any rights or revenue to Ubisoft”. IP ownership will remain solely with the developer.

The initiative comes as Ubisoft continues to battle a takeover from Vivendi.

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