Critical Path: March 2023 – Highlights for the month!

Here are the key upcoming events and releases to mark in your calendar for March 2023.


March 09 – 10, 2023

Hot on the heels of the MCV Women in Games Awards came the first official event in the Women in Games calendar, which once again aimed to provide inspiration, advice and support for women looking to get into or progress in the gaming industry. This year the event had a particular focus on learning and career development, with major contributions and support from Paramount, Virtuos, Team17 and Rocksteady. If you missed the expo, next month sees the Women in Games Ambassador Only Networking Event, which, as you might expect, is limited to those that are active advocates to the cause.


March 20 – 23, 2023

NVIDIA’s biannual GPU Technology Conference regularly flies under the radar, perhaps because many assume it’s all about the latest chipsets that only crypto-miners could once afford. However, with the focus of GTC being more on AI than anything else, and with the subject being a rather a hot one these days, GTC has found itself enjoying a few more column inches that has often been the case – some of them no doubt submitted by ChatGPT, in which NVIDIA has invested a significant amount.

While we’re on the subject of outwardly benign, human facing AI, System Shock should also be out later this month.


March 20 – 24, 2023

If you’re reading this at GDC, well done, you’ve managed to go where no-one on the current MCV/DEVELOP editorial team has been before (despite being in the games industry for a combined 35 years). Are we bitter? Quite the opposite. It means that not only did we manage to complete the issue on time, we can get started on the next one without the hassle of flying half way around the world to get the scoop on everything that will be appearing in our inboxes hours later anyway.


March 29, 2023 – April 08, 2023

Games London’s mission to make the UK capital the global centre of gaming continues with another London Games Festival honking towards us. Comprising the Official Selection games showcase (29th), the Games Finance Market (30th-31st) and the new Open Studios careers and networking event (3rd-4th April), this year’s LGF looks to be the biggest and longest yet, and will surely end having edged ever closer to realising its aim.


March 30, 2023 – April 01, 2023

If you’re going to LGF and want to be with the cool kids, then you need to hang out at ‘Wazzed’. Taking place this year at the Truman Brewery and comprising the London Dev Conference and W.A.S.D Careers, it’s an event that leans more on the cultural heart of games rather than it’s business brains, although if last year’s was any indication, there’ll be plenty of those as well.


March 30, 2023

The jam-packed month of March ends, significantly, with the UK game industry’s most prestigious awards. When we say, prestigious, what we mean is it’s the one to which you have to appear the most presentable. No turning up to this one in the suit you last wore to your auntie’s wedding when Labour were last in government – which is precisely the look MCV’s editor’s will be going for (again) as he prepares to attend the UK’s fourth most prestigious games industry awards later in the year.

About Richie Shoemaker

Prior to taking the editorial helm of MCV/DEVELOP Richie spent 20 years shovelling word-coal into the engines of numerous gaming magazines and websites, many of which are now lost beneath the churning waves of progress. If not already obvious, he is partial to the odd nautical metaphor.

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