Aaron Linde previously worked on Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor and Gears of War 3

Battleborn lead writer exits Gearbox

The lead writer for Gearbox’s recently-released shooter Battleborn has left the studio.

Aaron Linde joined Gearbox in late 2013, having previously worked as a narrative design consultant on Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor with Monolith.

He also contributed to an unannounced project at Airtight Games from 2012 to 2013, and wrote in-game lore and assisted with the script for Gear of War 3 in 2011.

“Gonna be hauling back up to the pacific northwest in a week or so for an awesome opportunity I’ll talk more about soon,” Linde tweeted, following the announcement that June 3rd was his final day at Gearbox.

“Absolutely love this team and am incredibly proud of the work we did together.”


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