Daily advice on recruitment and HR from the industry's top companies. Today: Harnessing Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook

NEW YEAR, NEW JOB: Using social media

Every day in January and throughout much of February, Develop is helping job-hunters and employers with advice and tips from the industry’s finest developers, experts, HR specialists and recruitment execs on a range of topics.

Today we bring you a wealth of advice on harnessing the job-hunting potential of Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and others.

8 ways to use social media to get a job

• “Get on Twitter, engage with industry people and show them you have the skills, an opinion and a passion for their business.”

Mills, co-founder, UsTwo

• “Network, network, network. By networking with gaming industry professionals on LinkedIn and Twitter, you’re getting your name and experience known.”

Sara McNaught, Recruitment Coordinator, Jagex

• “Make sure you’re prepared, treat your profile as you would your CV, even if it means having a social profile and a separate professional profile.”
Liam Ward, Trainee Consultant, Publishing, Aardvark Swift

• “Upload a video on Youtube where you show your portfolio and present yourself.”
Alexa Mann, PR, InnoGames

• “Employers will make judgement on you, rightly or wrongly, based on your Social networking activity – be careful. Never write anything that you wouldn’t happily see printed on the front page of a Newspaper.”
Andy Campbell, CEO, Specialmove

• "Use social media to ask people in your network to recommend excellent recruiters who have credibility within the industry and who may be able to help you find the right job for you."
Technical Recruiter, James Byrne, Havok

• ”Tweet people. Follow studios and people in those studios you like, then ask them to help you. They’ll do it. Ask for help on your CV or portfolio, or even to be a mentor. You can easily turn them in to big advocates of you.”

Will Luton, Creative Director, Mobile Pie

• “Twitter is a very liberal and dynamic tool. I’m not only talking about becoming best buddies with development celebrities, though that is certainly nice. But more importantly, I’m talking about the fact that you can hear about job openings first hand.”

Imre Jele, Co-founder, Creator-in Chief, Bossa

Our daily ‘New Year, New Jobs’ series of articles are extracted from the February issue of Develop magazine – currently available in several forms – which boasts an essential compendium of advice, tips and tricks on getting a new job and improving your employment prospects.The same issue brings you all the results from our sweeping games industry Salary Survey. Check back with Develop Online over the coming days for more advice.

And if you’re looking for a new career, or hoping to find some top new talent, be sure to check Develop’s Jobs Board.

To find out more about advertising opportunities relating to our New Year, New Job series contact Alex.Boucher@intentmedia.co.uk or call him on +44 (0) 1992 535 646.

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