Daily advice on recruitment and HR from the industry's top companies. Today: Tips for studio managers

NEW YEAR, NEW JOB: Get promoted as a studio manager

Every day in January and throughout much of February, Develop is helping job-hunters and employers with advice and tips from the industry’s finest developers, experts, HR specialists and recruitment execs on a range of topics.

Today we bring you tips on getting promoted as a studio manager.

5 ways to get promoted as a studio manager

• “Question processes and procedures. Are they really working as well as they could be? Suggest solutions to your manager if not.”

Viktorya Hollings, Head of Studio, PopCap Games International

• “Always deliver value beyond that which is explicitly called out in the job-description or role.”
Julian Widdows, VP of Development, Codemasters

• “Make sure the company you work for has growth potential mean they need to hire more studio support for you to manage.”
Mills, co-founder, UsTwo

• “The most important skills needed to become a great studio manager are multitasking and attention to detail.”

Donna Orlowski, Studio Ranger, Bossa

• “Be a problem solver; if something’s on fire, put it out. Then, stop it from happening again by tackling the root causes. If you can reliably do that, you’re someone who can improve and manage an organisation. And if there aren’t any fires, start some.“

Stephen Gaffney, Studio Director, Splash Damage

Our daily ‘New Year, New Jobs’ series of articles are extracted from the February issue of Develop magazine – currently available in several forms – which boasts an essential compendium of advice, tips and tricks on getting a new job and improving your employment prospects.The same issue brings you all the results from our sweeping games industry Salary Survey. Check back with Develop Online over the coming days for more advice.

And if you’re looking for a new career, or hoping to find some top new talent, be sure to check Develop’s Jobs Board.

To find out more about advertising opportunities relating to our New Year, New Job series contact Alex.Boucher@intentmedia.co.uk or call him on +44 (0) 1992 535 646.

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