60GB PS3 to be phased out in Europe

SCEE is to discontinue the 60GB PS3 in Europe, leaving its new 40GB machine as the only available SKU in the territory.

The platform holder has told MCV that is looking to sell through remaining stock of the 60GB SKU in the run up to Christmas.

On Friday, the platform holder announced that it is to reduce the price point of the 60GB model down from 425 to 349 – a clear move to tempt consumers into buying up the remaining allocation.

A SCEE spokesperson told MCV:

We announced our reduced offering on the 60GB model last week. We’re looking to sell our remaining 60GB stock, after which the 40GB model will be the only SKU available in Europe.

We anticipate that the 60GB stock should be available until Christmas, but of course it depends on how quickly it sells.”

The new 40GB model announced by Sony features only two USB 2.0 ports and no longer includes the multi memory card port. It will also lack backwards compatibility with PS2 games.

It will hit the High Street on Wednesday.

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