SIGGRAPH 07: Luxology TV lets users upload and view hi-res video clips for training and presentation

Luxology launches TV site

Here in San Diego, Luxology has thrown the wraps of Luxology TV, a new community site for users of its 3D rendering software that allows them to upload and exchange video clips.

The site is designed to let users view videos on a variety of subjects such as modeling, rendering, painting and sculpting. Content on the site will be split between two categories, presentation and training.

Luxology makes the Modo 3D rendering suite. Luxology TV ca be found at

“Video is the richest medium for explaining how to use 3D software, and Luxology has long advocated its use by integrating over 1GB of videos directly into modo, posting weekly video updates on our website, and encouraging customers to share their experiences via video clips,” said Brad Peebler, president and co-founder of Luxology.

“Luxology TV is a dynamic new vehicle that allows us to aggregate and share a vast amount of video training and other topical subject matter across the entire 3D community.”

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