Steam Curator Connect, which has now been in a closed beta for months, is now available to all developers. The tool aims to cut down on nuisance emails from fake curators trying to scam game codes from devs. No longer will the Steam development community need to track and research every incoming request for a free copy, instead being able to monitor legitimate curators from within Steam itself.
With these tools developers are able to more easily locate curators who might be interested in their games, see what size audience they cater for and then directly send them game codes. Along with a blurb explaining what their game is. Not so useful for triple-A publishers, but a fantastic boon for any indie devs who are looking to get their games noticed on Steam’s increasingly busy storefront.
So you can go ahead and ignore all of those emails asking for game codes from possibly-but-probably-not legit Steam curators, as this puts the power directly into your hands. And only your hands. Curators are unable to directly contact developers through the system themselves. Seemingly not even to say “thanks for reaching out!”, which seems a bit daft. Developers are notified when a request is accepted and a review written, but there’s no way to keep a dialogue going.
Perhaps it’s best not to shut down that email account just yet after all.
Got feedback on Steam Curator Connect? We’d love to hear what you think of it and how it will/could/won’t help you get your games into more digital hands on Steam. Let us know
[Via Kotaku]