Industry prepares to salute games media

Organised by Intent Media (publisher of MCV), the Games Media Awards will take place tonight at the Soho Revue Bar, London, and will be attended by over 250 games professionals.

The GMAs is the first ever event to exclusively recognise and reward the vast contribution the video games media makes to the wider industry. There are awards for achievements in both the Mainstream and Specialist games press, and for both online and offline content.

Gold Sponsors for the event include Nintendo, PlayStation, Xbox 360, EA, Take 2 and Vivendi Games.

Silver Sponsors include EA Sports, Guitar Hero III, 1C Company, Koch Media and System 3.

To read about the Mainstream Media finalists in full, click here

To read about the Specialist Games Media (print) finalists in full, click here

To read about the Specialist Games Media (online) finalists in full, click here.

For a more in-depth look at the Games Media Awards, click here to read out dedicated feature.

Check back tomorrow for the complete report and details of the winners.

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