gets exclusive Commodore Gaming rights

Online retail giant has signed a one month exclusive deal with Commodore Gaming for its latest high-end gaming PC, reported

Digital Spy


The CommodoreG gaming rig, loaded with an Intel Core 2 quad processor and 2GB of RAM, will only be available to purchase from during this period. It comes with 50 retro Commodore titles and a five-pack games bundle including Tomb Raider: Anniversary, retailing for 999.99. is a leading light in the PC gaming market and we believe they have the right audience focus to match the product positioning,” said Bala Keilman, CEO for Commodore Gaming. The Commodore G is a fantastic rig and offers unbeatable gaming capabilities at a sub 1000 price. In its basic specification it will happily play the latest games as well as eat any other PC application for breakfast.”

Stuart Rowe, spokesperson for added: This product exclusive is indicative of our continued growth and presence in the games market.”

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