Retailers to offer Xbox One Scorpio trade-in programs

Original Xbox One owners will be able to trade-in their old console for the new Project Scorpio one when it launches.

Speaking to The Daily Star, head of Xbox operations Dave McCarthy confirmed that Microsoft is in talks with retailers to offer trade-in programs.

"Some of our retail partners today do trade-in programs and that’s definitely going to be partnerships we continue to move going forward,” he said. "We want to make that transition as smooth as possible.”

He also reassured Xbox fans about the compatibility between Microsoft’s different consoles. Speaking to MCV earlier this month, McCarthy already stated that he wanted Xbox fans to be able to ‘play without boundaries’.

We are making a meaningful step with Project Scorpio in supporting 4K gaming. But you don’t have to worry about that as a gamer, because the games you already own on Xbox One, the ones you’re going to buy this year and in the future will work across the family of devices (Xbox One, Xbox One S and Scorpio).”

He continued: The compatibility thing is a big deal, because the feeling you have to give up your games isn’t a good feeling, so we take that angst out of the equation. We’ll try partnerships with our retail partners to smooth it even more with trade-in programs and things like that."

Microsoft unveiled its Project Scorpio at E3 2016andthe new console will be released in holiday 2017.

Microsoft also recently cut the price of its Xbox One to 199.99 ahead of the launch of its new Xbox One S this August.

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