
Need socially distanced motion capture? Audiomotion is open for business

While much of game development can be achieved from either end of a decent broadband connection, there are certain part of games production which are somewhat less virtual in nature. And motion capture is one of those areas. 

We’re pleased to report then that Audiomotion’s capture studio is in operation, and able to meet your needs while keeping everyone appropriately distanced. 

Audiomotion has the largest mo-cap volume for a studio within Europe, which allows us to more easily comply with the requirements laid down by the government for social distancing,” Brian Mitchell, managing director, told MCV/DEVELOP, adding that “our current volume is 16x11m but we can go to 20mx11m.”

In addition, the company has reduced the number of production crew on site to a minimum in order to make more yet space. While it’s green room can hold up to three actors during any down time, again while maintaining social distancing. 

“There is no need to delay production at the front end of the development period.”

The message is simply that Audiomotion is “open for business” and that any projects that might have been looking at delays if vital motion or performance-capture need not be delayed, says Mitchell: “There is no need to delay production at the front end of the development period. This may help with achieving a release date as close to that of the one which was originally penciled in.”

Audiomotion is part of the wider Rebellion games and now film and TV group, and held a test shoot with its parent recently to test out the procedures needed.

“ We held a two day shoot for Rebellion a couple of weeks back to put the theory to the test and we have to say it was a success. All of the above criteria stood up to the task in hand and now there is another shoot with Rebellion already penciled in the pipeline. We have held three separate successful mocap social distancing shoots to date, with others penciled in.”  

For more details and to book get in contact with Brian Mitchell at

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