Facebook is our headline sponsor – supporting our Outstanding Contribution category – at the Women in Games Awards 2018

We are delighted to announce that Facebook is our headline sponsor for the Women in Games Awards 2018. As well as hosting the event at its London offices, it will be sponsoring the biggest award of the day, for Outstanding Contribution. One of ten prizes up for grabs on the day.

The nominees for this category are:

  • Cat Channon, director of international communications, Warner Bros
  • Jessica Curry, studio head, The Chinese Room
  • Keza Macdonald, games editor, The Guardian
  • Thalita Malago, managing director, AESVI

Facebook commented: “As a passionate advocate for diversity in the Games industry, Facebook is proud to sponsor MCV Women in Games Awards. This year we are delighted to host the Awards in our Facebook London Offices.

"Through Facebook’s Women in Gaming initiative and #shetalksgames series, we are working to champion diversity in games, encourage more women into leadership positions and work together to inspire change. The Women in Games awards is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the women working in the Gaming Industry and inspire more women to join this growing and exciting area.”

Taking place on Friday May 11th at the Facebook offices in Rathbone Square, London, the Women in Games Awards 2018 celebrate the hardest-working, the biggest achieving, and the downright most brilliant women in the UK games industry.

This year’s categories include Rising Star of the Year – Development Award, Creative Impact Award, Rising Star of the Year – Business Award, Businesswoman of the Year, Esports Woman of the Year, Career Mentor of the Year and Outstanding Contribution. We also have three new categories this year: Journalist of the Year, Influencer of the Year and Games Campaigner of the Year. You can have a look at our 2018 shortlist right here.

For more info on the ceremony, sponsorship opportunities and tickets enquiries, please check the event’s website

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