The February issue of MCV/DEVELOP is online now! Inside: Liquid Swords, Digital Extremes on Wayfinder, Jagex, Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider and more!

There’s a new issue of MCV/DEVELOP arriving subscribers’ homes and offices today, and we’ve updated our online archive so that you can read the entire thing online for free.

In Issue #986, you’ll be treated to a smorgasbord of features on the art and business of video games from around the world, starting with an spotlight interview between Richie Shoemaker and Christofer Sundberg about his new studio Liquid Swords

Also in the issue, Vince Pavey has sat down with Richard Browne, head of external projects at Digital Extremes, to learn more about their team up with Airship Syndicate on a new action RPG called Wayfinder

Richie has a chat with Jagex about their external publishing initiatives, and how games like SCUM fit into the wider plan for the company as it expands under The Carlyle Group. 

He’s also gathered together a squad of QA superstars for our latest panel, to ask them about the issues around representation, automation and underappreciation, and find out what the industry can be doing better as we head further into 2023.

Amiqus’ Liz Prince is back with another Debugging D&I, where she shares her thoughts on the upcoming International Women’s Day and how studios can celebrate the event. 

Then in this month’s When We Made feature, Vince speaks to Danilo Dias from JoyMasher about their latest tokusatsu inspired retro action game Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider.

We’ve also got our usual pages on hires and moves, our spotlights on people from around the world of video games, and the typical sage advice and insight only found in our The Final Boss feature. This month the boss is Aj Grand-Scrutton, CEO and co-founder of Dlala Studios, who was recently named the Best Boss in the whole of the UK games industry – so y’know, that’s one to pay extra special attention to.

Want to get the issue delivered every month? Then be sure to subscribe!

About Vince Pavey

Vince is a writer from the North-East of England who has worked on comics for The Beano and Doctor Who. He likes to play video games and eat good food. Sometimes he does both at the same time, but he probably shouldn’t.

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