Print and digital editions our now, also includes Wargaming's Victor Kislyi, the fight against app clones and in-depth Liverpool region focus

Develop September: John Romero reveals how to reinvent the shooter

The latest issue of Develop is available now, and features an exclusive interview with Doom designer John Romero.

This month’s cover star shares his vision of reinventing the first-person shooter, principles of good game design, love of Minecraft and his thoughts on the new Doom.

And that’s not all. This jam-packed issue also features an interview with Wargaming’s Victor Kislyi, in-depth look at the resurgent Liverpool development community, multiple features on game music, expert funding advice and our investigation into preventing cloned apps – which you can also read here.

The print edition of our September issue is on its way to subscribers. What’s that? You’ve moved beyond this old fashioned ‘print’ thing? Then you can read Develop through your browser and on iPad. The iPad or digital version of the magazine costs just £14.99 a year, or you can buy the June issue for a one-off payment of £1.99.

The latest issue features:

  • Romero Reloaded: We interview veteran games dev and Doom designer John Romero about the evolution and future of the first-person shooter
  • The fight against app clones: Dong Nguyen’s Swing Copters was copied by dozens of studios days before it was release. Legal experts discuss how this can be avoided
  • Wargaming’s Victor Kislyi reveals the chance meeting that made World of Tanks
  • Expert funding advice: Nick Gibson explains what investors are looking for, while Debbie Bestwick lays down the Dos and Don’ts of crowd-funding
  • Unity co-founder David Helgason reflects on the big Unite 14 announcements and the next step for the leading engine firm
  • Harnessing the cloud: Think that cloud gaming is just streaming services? Think again
  • Silicon Studios lifts the lid on the first consumer version of its Paradox engine
  • Havok’s physics renaissance: how the firm is gearing up to push gameplay in ways not seen since Half-Life 2
  • The music makers: Composers on the rise and future of interactive music
  • TxK composer Jamie Hamshere on his Develop Award win
  • PopCap composer Guy Whitmore discusses the advantages of scoring your game within your game
  • Liverpool Rising: A five-page in-depth look at how studios in this resurgent hub are putting the region on top
  • Sega Hardlight on how the industry can improve its involvement with academia
  • A behind-the-scenes glimpse at The Last of Us creator Naughty Dog
  • Axis Animation’s Jill Wallace is in the Recruiter Hot Seat
  • Engine Room Games’ Sam Bickley discusses the role of a QA Test Engineer in Get That Job
  • Falmouth University offers a look into its Alacrity incubator programme
  • An overview of the courses on offer at Teeside University
  • Eight top project management tools to keep your game on track 
  • Key Release: Hansoft 8
  • Heard About: Garry Schyman reveals how Elizabeth shaped the score of BioShock Infinite
  • Epic Games calls for submissions to the new Unreal Engine 4 marketplace
  • HB Studios talks about Unity’s role in creating The Golf Club
  • Marmalade teams up with Amazon to offer devs a prize pot of $75,000
  • FAQ: Vlambeer’s Rami Ismail

You can read the digital edition through your browser and on iPad.

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