gamescom biz to digitally bring together the gamescom, gamescom asia and devcom communities all year round

The people behind the gamescom industry trade fair event have announced a new online community hub called gamescom biz. It’s a website that intends to bring together their trade visitor communities from gamescom, gamescom asia and devcom throughout the year. 

When users sign up, gamescom biz community members will be able to network and communicate with other industry members with the website’s text, audio, and video chat features. The gamescom biz website will also be used as a hub to book digital meeting rooms and appointments at on-site areas during the annual industry events hosted by the company going forward. 

Members who go to devcom and gamescom asia will also be invited to exclusive events and will receive website exclusive on-demand content. Plans have been put in motion to expand the reach of these benefits out to gamescom visitors in the future as well.

“The physical events in Cologne and Singapore are THE meeting place for the respective communities to make new contacts, maintain existing contacts, drive business forward and get inspired in terms of B2B innovations. However, the last two and a half years have shown the potential of digital services. To get the best out of both worlds, we are complementing the physical experience in the gamescom cosmos with a digital platform that unites all these communities across Borders.” said Christoph Werner, Member of the Executive Board and Senior Vice President at Koelnmesse. 

“With the gamescom biz community, we are digitally uniting the communities of gamescom, gamescom asia and devcom, thus offering for the first time a joint platform that can be used for exchange and networking all year round. In addition, it makes it possible to attend other events besides the individual main events. With its summits or the Pitch it! series, devcom is already showing what this can look like. The gamescom biz community makes it possible to directly gain access to the professional expertise and business contacts of three of the world’s most important top gaming events with just one profile.” said Christian Baur, Head of gamescom.

If you’d like to join the gamescom biz community, you can sign up today over at this webpage

About Vince Pavey

Vince is a writer from the North-East of England who has worked on comics for The Beano and Doctor Who. He likes to play video games and eat good food. Sometimes he does both at the same time, but he probably shouldn’t.

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