Welsh student's venture wants to create profile for nation's development talent

New studio opens in Wales

A student from the University of Wales’ Newport Business School plans to open up a new games studio he hopes will put Welsh games talent on the map.

30-year-old Adam Griffiths said that the new company, Centrifuge Interactive Studios, will help provide jobs to the computer sciences talent from Wales’ colleges.

"The computer games industry is one of the biggest in the world yet there are very few companies in Wales making games,” he said. “As a result, many people like myself who are gaining degrees in computer game design are having to leave the country in order to find jobs.

“Newport’s University has two computer games development courses producing talented students with lots of potential. It seems ludicrous that Wales is losing them to other countries because we have no computer games industry.”

Griffiths said that as the studio starts he wants to focus on 2D games before moving a bigger team onto more complex 3D titles.

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