Retro gaming appears to be back on the table at GAME.
Gamestation, which was acquired by GAME back in 2007, used to be the High Street’s biggest retro games provider but its retro offerings – much like GAME’s – faded away over time.
However, a new promotion on GAME’s website entitled ‘Retro Games Week’ is offering stock across a range of platforms including the Sega Saturn, SNES, Game Boy Advance, Mega Drive and PSOne.
There’s also a selection of (emulation based) hardware including the Hyperkin RetroN, Neo Geo X Gold and Retro Bit Super Retro Duo 2.
It appears that the retro catalogue isn’t in fact stocked by GAME itself but is instead offered by a handful of associate resellers via the recently launched GAME Marketplace. Scottish retailer Backyard Games seems to account for a large chunk of the titles.
Among the discount offerings are some higher price games, too. MCV spotted Sonic Jam for Sega Saturn (20), Donkey Kong Country 3 for SNES (25), Sword of Mana for Game Boy Advance (25) and Shenmue for Dreamcast (40).
There’s also a copy of Sega Saturn title Mr Bones for a whopping 105, but as steep as that sounds it’s not actually a bad price for the current market.
The US arm of GameStop last month announced its intention to re-enter the retro market.