Across the 2,284 games companies in the UK, 175 of them are actively recruiting for 2,816 varied and exciting industry roles. Sumo Digital, Playground Games, Unity, PlayStation, King and Rockstar are the top recruiters, with all of them currently searching for at least 75 new staff members.
53.9% of roles are based in London or the South-East of England, with 9.4% of the new roles allowing for a potential employee to be fully remote. Manchester, Edinburgh and Liverpool are the places where the most games jobs are currently available up in the North.
Technical artists, producers, software engineers, programmers and game designers are the roles most in demand by the industry this month, while HR is the area that has seen the biggest drop in job openings.
June 2022 sees the highest number of vacancies tracked in the UK since Games Jobs Live started to make data reports about the games industry in early 2021.
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