Guitar Hero III rock-off set to entertain GMAs

In the latest of Activision’s notoriously lavish Guitar Hero promotions, attendees of the first Games Media Awards will be invited to compete in a Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock play-off in support of the release of the rhythm title.

The competition will kick off straight after the awards ceremony, and all 150 attending journalists can take part.

Guitar Hero III introduces competitive online play for the first time in the series,” said Gary Sims, brand manager at Activison UK. So the special journalist-only play off at the Games Media Awards is particularly relevant. And with the greatest selection of songs a music game has ever had, the performances will ensure the party concludes with a bang.”

The title will be released in Q4 on PS2, PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii. As with the first two games, it will feature a selection of famous rock songs, plus new multiplayer modes and boss levels.

The Games Media Awards will take place at the Soho Revue Bar in London on October 11th. Organisers say shortlists for the 16 awards will be announced soon.

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